*Mailing Address: 12712 Luther Rd. Auburn, CA 95603
For those unable to attend worship or Bible study at the building, a call-in line is available. As well, we have an evening telephone prayer call (approx. 15 minutes) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7 pm. Wednesday at 6 pm.
Call 805-706-4669
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to be the church of Christ just like the churches in the New Testament were taught to be. Our only rule of faith and practice is the New Testament. It may be said that the New Testament is our only creed book. We strive to conform to the teaching of the New Testament in organization, worship, work and teaching. We plead for a restoration to New Testament Christianity.
We assemble on the first day of the week to worship God, to partake of the Lord's Supper, to pray, to sing (without the instrument), to give to the support of the work of the church, and to teach the word of God.
We want to invite you to visit our services. We will answer any questions you may have. You will not be embarrassed nor solicited for funds.
History of our congregation
The congregation first met in Newcastle on April 14, 1991 in the Gus Pearson music hall in the center of Newcastle. The attendance on that first Sunday was 51, many of which were visitors.
A better place to meet was located just across the corner in Newcastle, and we met there for the first time on May 26, 1991. While at this location, we grew in strength, numbers and in love for the Lord and for each other. Many happy hours were spent in worship, work and study at this location in Newcastle. After meeting at this location for over a year, we were forced to move because of Fire Department regulations.
We met temporarily in the Seventh Day Adventist Church building in Loomis for the first time on January 20, 1993 as we continued searching for a place of our own. With the Lord’s help we were able to purchase our present meeting place at 3321 Taylor Road in Loomis. It was formerly a small office building, requiring extensive remodeling which was accomplished entirely by the brethren all working together.
Our first service in our own building was held on May 3, 1995. Since that time we have completed an addition which increased both our auditorium size and added a classroom.
The Lord has blessed us greatly!!
Legal name: Church of Christ of Newcastle
Call 805-706-4669
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to be the church of Christ just like the churches in the New Testament were taught to be. Our only rule of faith and practice is the New Testament. It may be said that the New Testament is our only creed book. We strive to conform to the teaching of the New Testament in organization, worship, work and teaching. We plead for a restoration to New Testament Christianity.
We assemble on the first day of the week to worship God, to partake of the Lord's Supper, to pray, to sing (without the instrument), to give to the support of the work of the church, and to teach the word of God.
We want to invite you to visit our services. We will answer any questions you may have. You will not be embarrassed nor solicited for funds.
History of our congregation
The congregation first met in Newcastle on April 14, 1991 in the Gus Pearson music hall in the center of Newcastle. The attendance on that first Sunday was 51, many of which were visitors.
A better place to meet was located just across the corner in Newcastle, and we met there for the first time on May 26, 1991. While at this location, we grew in strength, numbers and in love for the Lord and for each other. Many happy hours were spent in worship, work and study at this location in Newcastle. After meeting at this location for over a year, we were forced to move because of Fire Department regulations.
We met temporarily in the Seventh Day Adventist Church building in Loomis for the first time on January 20, 1993 as we continued searching for a place of our own. With the Lord’s help we were able to purchase our present meeting place at 3321 Taylor Road in Loomis. It was formerly a small office building, requiring extensive remodeling which was accomplished entirely by the brethren all working together.
Our first service in our own building was held on May 3, 1995. Since that time we have completed an addition which increased both our auditorium size and added a classroom.
The Lord has blessed us greatly!!
Legal name: Church of Christ of Newcastle